Akashic Records Reading

Expand your horizons and allow yourself to gain clarity with an Akashic Records Reading!  Priscilla, OHM’s Akashic Records Reader, taps into the 9th Dimension to give you the information that will benefit your perspective and life choices.

Priscilla Perez Salem is from Monterrey, Mexico.  She is a lifelong student of the Healing Arts.  As a certified practitioner of Kundalini Yoga, Reiki, and Sound Therapy, she has helped and improved people’s lives from all around the world.  Priscilla has been an Akashic Record Reader through her practice based in Mexico City for over four years.  Alongside Wicked, her pup, Priscilla, has helped patients re-connect with their inner power and bring clarity, purpose, and deep transformational healing to their lives.

Akashic Records Reading

An individual Akashic Records Reading via ZOOM is one hour and costs $185. After you book an appointment, you will receive a confirmation.  On the day of your appointment, you will receive a Zoom link for your session 5-10 minutes before the appointed time.  If you prefer to do your session by phone instead, you can also do that.

To prepare for your reading, you can make a list of up to 10 questions to ask Priscilla.  You can ask less than 10, and some people have no questions at all; they merely want to see what their guides have in store for them.  More than 10 questions create the session to lose focus.

Note: Priscilla occassionally comes to NYC and offers In-Person sessions for $210. Please check our schedule and newsletters for her visits!!



Come Explore OHM....

OHM offers all varieties of classes for all types of interests.  If you are looking to de-stress and start experiencing deep relaxation, sign up for a class today.  We invite you to begin your exploration of the self and see where it takes you.